1272123 - CALCINER, 72'' X 60', INCONEL 600, 850DEG C, GAS, NEW [10]
TYPE:Indirect fired rotary drum with stationary insulated outer housing. Product travels through the drum without directly contacting the heating or cooling mediums acting on the drum external surfaces in the annular space between drum and underneath the insul
DIAMETER:6'ID Tube. 1/2"thick approx.
LENGTH:45' under housing, 60ft o/all approx.
MATL'S.CNSTRN-INNER SHELL:Inconel 600 or 601 optional. Welding 100% X-Ray, ASME Sect VIII & IX. Welds ground flush internal. All reinforcing and wear pads welded to shell and machined finish. Ovality/ Axial & Radial runouts @ Tire, Gear & at Shell ends +/- 1/8" design.
MAT'LS. CNSTRN-OUTER SHELL:CS. 8'OD shell. Flanged and bolted horizontally, top and bottom halves. 6 @ 7'6"' long longitudinal sections, flanged and bolted together. Top half of each section is ceramic fiber insulated 6" thick. Exhaust ports equispaced suitable for manifold collect
SHELL INTERNALS:Infeed spiral flighting 60" drum length. 6" high x 1/4" thick. Spirals set at 45deg to axis. Lifters internal, 3"h x 1/4"thick x 24" long, parallel rows of 22 each along length, patterns offset 30deg radially, each with 6 equispaced circumferentially. Tot
SHELL SEALS:Mechanical. Spring loaded Graphite blocks with 316SS external retention slider channels, seal at each end. Feed and discharge breaching seals.
HEATING:N/A New gas burners, gas train and management system extra, sized to suit process needs. Designed for 8 burners, equispaced.
PRODUCT TEMP PRIOR SVC:850 Deg C approx. depending on product
ZONES:1-4 zones, total 45' heating approx.
DRIVEN BY:25HP 3/60/460v. 1800 rpm motor. Back up gearmotor 5hp, 3/60/460v. W/electromagnetic clutch.
DRIVEN VIA:Direct drive to parallel shaft helical gear reducer 45:1 ratio via 8" wide x 12"OD Pinion to 7'OD Bullgear approx, 0.5-6 rpm output design with VFD motor controls. Bullgear and pinion gear guards included.
CAPACITY:5000-10000PPH design. Varies with product, moisture content, residence time etc. 5000PPH est with 30min residence time.
PRIOR SERVICE:New, built to order
COMMENTS:Inlet and Discharge hoods are 1/4"thick 316SS construction [Inconel optional extra] with side mounted support pads for structural steel independent supports. Each has mechanical spring loaded Graphite drum seal mechanism. Product gravity fed via top flang